XH borża tad-drappijiet mhux minsuġa tal-plastik Magna tal-ġeneratur tal-iwweldjar ultrasoniku

Ultrasonic welding principle:
The principle is the use of sound waves reached the peak position of the gap between the plastic, in the case of pressure, so that the two fusible elements which could be part of the plastic parts in contact with each other to produce the high-speed friction melts, the contact surface of the plastic fusion, achieve the purpose of processing.

Suitable for the masks (Around ,Earband ), Nonwoven tote bag welding

Ħarsa ġenerali
Post tal-Oriġini: Zhejiang, iċ-Ċina Isem tad-Ditta: XIANGHAI
Condition: Ġdid Vultaġġ: 380V / 220V
Frequency: 15KHZ Welding Area: 10x200
Dimensions: 610mm*430mm*200mm Użu: Nonwoven welding
Garanzija: Sena 1 Servizz ta' wara l-bejgħ Ipprovdut: Online support, Video technical support,
Key Selling Points: Long Service Life Industriji applikabbli: Hotels, Garment Shops, Building Material Shops,
Weight (KG): 15 KG Power (kW): 300W-4000W
Tip ta 'kummerċjalizzazzjoni: Prodott Ordinarju Rapport tat-Test tal-Makkinarju: Provduta
Spezzjoni ħierġa bil-vidjo: Provduta Servizz ta 'Wara l-Garanzija: Video technical support
Local Service Location: Xejn Showroom Location: Xejn

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